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Depending on your location, you can create personalized, annotated, customized maps using Google Maps. Your maps can contain the following:
Once you have created a map, you can:
To create or edit maps, you must be signed into your
Google Account. You do not need to be signed in to view a map. You can also search for maps made by specific users.
You can also use and add additional content in Google Maps.
Learn more.
Watch a video tutorial about using MyMaps:
Creating and editing a mapTo create or edit a map:
- Go to Google Maps.
- Click My Maps > Create new map. If you want to open an existing map, check it in the left panel and click Edit.
- Add a title and description for your map. You can make your map public or unlisted. Learn more.
- Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
Line tool. Click this button to select a tool to draw lines, shapes, and draw lines that automatically snap to roads. Learn more. Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
- Once you are finished, click Done.
You can return to your map at any time. Just go to Google Maps and click My Maps. Sign into your Google Account and select the map from your list of maps.
Finding your maps
- Go to Google Maps. Make sure you are signed in.
- Click My Maps. A list of your maps appears. Click the appropriate map to view it.
Finding maps made by others
Once you have found a map you like, you can view other maps made by the author by viewing this person's user profile. To do this:
- Click the marker for the map you like. Click Created by.... Note that if you move the cursor over the link, an image appears for that person.
- A user profile page appears. It displays all maps created by this person and some additional information about this person in the left panel.
- Click the appropriate tab in the left panel to view all content created by this user, just reviews or just maps.
Deleting your maps
To delete your map:
- Click My Maps. A list of your maps appears.
- Click Delete beside the appropriate map.
Terima kasih informasinya niehhh, minta izin sharing yaaa....
ReplyDeletebagus ni, apalagi kalau kita punya toko, orang lain kan bisa lebih cepat tahu lokasi toko kita. wah mantap ni. makasi gan...